Thursday, October 22, 2009


Bless me Father, for I (am Mikel K)
K Poems May 2009

Every morning I log on to discover that
you have just posted another collection--
it's nice to read these before the daily paper
because somehow you always have a bit of good news.

"Actually I don't remember being born, it must have happened during one of my black outs."
--James Douglass Morrison

"Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."--You and I both know where this is from

I am a huge fan of your stuff.

Just sending you a big cuddle off the cuddle site; hope you accept and by the way.... your dead sexy. x
--A Girl from Leeds

"For you've touched her perfect body with your mind."--Leonard Cohen

Hey Mikel,

Thanks for that. I'm sorry for whatever I did... being insensitive or callow or complicated or whatever. I just want you to know (for what it's worth) that I think you're very talented and gifted and if this world were a fair place... you'd be rolling in dough from your efforts. When I find the money, I will buy your book. If you ever need a friend (or a car ride), I'll be here.



I can't fix you so why should I let you cry on my shoulder that won t accomplish anything.
Let's just pretend that things are o.k. and maybe, one day, they will be.

What can they be thinking?

She used to appear on tv
reading the news on one of the biggest channels there is.
I saw her last night, and told her that I had not seen her on the tube
she said, "They do not want older women."
I thought how this was sad, because she was still very attractive.

When do wants become needs?

I didn't buy eggs, yesterday, when I bought some groceries
so, of course, this morning I am feeling a need for eggs.
I didn't buy cheese, yesterday, when I bought groceries,
so, of course, this morning, I am feeling a need for cheese.

Heavenly sips

I made a perfect cup of coffee, this morning,
one that is possibly better than any cup that I have ever made.


There was a strange sound in the apartment, last night,
and I could not figure out what it was
one of the animals was doing something new, I thought,
until my dog Morisson put both of his paws up on the bed
then I realized that it must be thunder and lightening outside
I was sure of this when Mo jumped in the bed with me.


It is very early (5:57 a.m.)
especially in relation to
the time that I went to bed (1:34 a.m.)
but I am wide awake right now
sipping on coffee
talking to you in the form of this poem.

Are you still asleep,
or are you awake, also?

Would you spell that for me, please

I am very emphatic about certain things
like I like to get your name right
and I like for you to get my name right
I think that our names are very important.


While you sip your coffee
are programmed to ignore me
because I'm ugly
or because other men have
messed around with your beauty.

How apropos that it is named a mouse

My cat, the black cat, the black cat with the yellow eyes,
the one called Jaggar, cost me $17.27, today. Jaggar likes to
pull the computer mouse off of the desk, and push it around
on the floor. I think that the red light inside the mouse,
somehow excites him, and, somehow, in playing with the mouse,
today, he broke the plug attached to the cord that is attached to
the keyboard.

Funny how that goes, you know?!

I've been mad at you for things that I do

I'm out of raspberry jam.
The Peanut Butter tastes lonely without it.

"I'm an idea man," he said.
"Where'd you learn that?" I asked him.
"Looking over other peoples' shoulders
during exams," he said with a smile.

No use feeling down

I'd rather be broke than busted;
I trusted you, and you let me down,
but I'm over it; it wasn't the first time
that I was played for a clown.

I give myself permission

I'm not sure on how many mornings
I can write about the beauty of the birds
as they sing.

I'm not sure on how many mornings
I can write about how special it feels
to feed my cats, and dogs, and turtles,
and watch them eat.

I'm not sure on how many mornings
I can write about how good it feels
to have children, and to, now, be a granddad.

I'm not sure how many mornings I have left
in this existence, but if I write about
birds singing, and the joy that my kids,
and animals, give me, every day that I am alive,
that will be ok with me.

Monkey, monkey, monkey

Monkey has mange, according to a fellow
who took a look at him, this morning.
Monkey is mostly a street cat,
so I suspect that she has a lot of things
going on that are wrong with her.
I'm not sure what I should do.
The guy who "owns" monkey hasn't been around much,
and I have been feeding the cat.
I really can't take on another cat; I have two.

The missing poet

He like to hang out around volcanoes,
and then write poems about his adventures.

He is missing; say a prayer for him, won't you?

Under your thumb

We were busy as shit, yesterday, at work.
There was a line of people lusting for coffee
for almost the entire four hours that I was
on my feet grinding out those lattes, mochas,
and frozen bevs.
It is amazing how sore that one can get
in such a short period of time.
I think that, maybe, it is a function of my age
that I get so worn out standing on my feet.
I am happy to report, though, that I am able
to handle the pressure of such a situation
without screaming at someone, or just screaming
out loud in general.
This is a marked improvement in my situation.
Historically, I did not handle pressure very well.

The heavy set robin in my tree knows better

We are separated by what we know
and what "they" told us to think.

I don't want my government in the car business

For years, American car makers have been screwing the consumer:
planned obsolescence, and obscene costs to repair our cars,
come to mind immediately, and I could think of more ways
they tried to screw us to make a buck, if you want me to.

I prefer to have a happy morning, so this is all that I am going to say on this.


I don't like the last stanza of the last poem that I wrote,
but I don't want to get tied to that poem for too long, right now.
Often, it is best to leave awkward poems alone,
and come back to them, later.

I'm not sure if this strategy would work for awkward women.

A report card in the making

I'm an insanely jealous man,
who has, mostly, learned how to not be jealous,
which is really weird, because it is kind of like
forgetting how to ride a bicycle.

I was raised to be be perfect,
make straight A's
win the tennis match,
score the most points on the basketball team,
set the school record in the mile and the two mile.

I have learned, the very hard way, that I am not perfect,
but I am giving this jealousy thing my damn-dest effort,
and I have found that when I try, when I really, really try
that I usually get good results.


She is innocent in my eyes,
putty in my hand, sort of.
I could go more into detail,
but I'm not going to.

He came to this earth to die; not to live.

I like the idea of this, the strangeness of it,
and, if I ever start writing short stories,
I might make a short story out of it,
but it will be awhile until I even think about
writing short stories, so it will just have to be
what it is, for now, and for awhile, a title to a poem.

I better get this poem done

I have only moments of silence left, before you arrive,
and punctuate the air with seriousness, then silliness,
and smiles.

I wish I could nurture you, like I water my garden.
In my garden, I see green plants rise from dark dirt,
on your face, I would see smiles surface from frowns,
or from places of loneliness, or fear.

Come to think of it, just as I water my plants,
I do nurture you, that is what keeps you coming back,
my ability to make you smile, alas I am talking too much of me.

It even comes with an electric outlet

The day is done. I spent most of it on my patio, well not "my" patio, but the patio that comes with the apartment that I rent. Nothing is mine, really; stuff just touches me, it doesn't attach itself to me; I'm just passing through. The patio makes a million noises. It makes all the noises that occur around it become its own. The opening, and closing, of a door across the street insinuates itself onto the porch. The porch allows the sounds of birds to become part of it: birds talking, birds squawking, birds fighting with squirrels about the strangest things. Everything around it becomes part of the patio. I don't own it, but I could care less; I am part of it.

Do you know how to be soft?

I know that you can put your dukes up,
keep your guard up, be tough, be mean,
be whatever it is that you have to
to protect whatever it is inside you
that you have to protect,

Scenes from the abode on a Monday

She said that she had an allergy headache,
but that she didn't want to take her allergy medication
because it made her sleepy, and then she turned over
and went to sleep. (Scout.)

He dropped by, with his daddy, for the first time ever,
and let me hold him on the porch. He smiled at me,
and made me smile. I've been saving the kids' stuffed animals
for him, and his daddy picked him one. (Elliot.)

I have had this pair of binoculars for awhile,
a friend gave them to me; and tonight, for the first time,
I pulled them out, and looked at a robin.

The robins around here are plump, and this one was talking
to someone; do you think it was me?

No fried tofu until pay day

I'm out of olive oil,
but I am not out of love.

You can't blow a relationship that is supposed to happen

I can't really elaborate on this
the title says it all.


Thank you for my juice.
I appreciate you sharing
your juice with me.
I hope that your fast is
going well.
I hope that your day is
going well,
I'm about to take a long walk
with Bundy, can you tell?



Bundy did not eat all of his food, last night,
and he did not touch his morning meal, which is very unlike Bundy.

Everything else seems normal with Bundy,
so maybe the new bag of dog food is not
the exact same as the last bag of dog food,
although Morisson is eating it just fine.

I am going to be keeping a close eye on Bundy;
I can not have anything go wrong with him,
for, as much of a challenge as he often is, I love him dearly.

The recession is no longer over there

Sometimes the bad news hits home,
and is no longer a television broadcast,
or an article in an online newspaper or magazine.

Sometimes the person that gets laid off is someone you love.
These are the times that test your faith.
Either God is, or God isn't, and when the shit hits the fan
you can either run screaming like a madman, or woman,
or hunker down and do what is necessary.

The reasons are unimportant

I save things for you, like the last of my olive oil
so that you can have some yummy fried vegetable rice,
and I do things for you, that I have never done for anyone else.

I don't know why this is so, but I do know that you appreciate it,
more than most would, and that puts a smile in my heart.

I can hear them singing now

It is a sin, when building new houses,
to destroy all the trees.
Where I live, there are a lot of trees,
and, thus, there are a lot of birds:
plump robins, bright red cardinals,
lady blue jays, and the bluer male blue jays,
and many, many more.
I love to look at the birds,
and I love to listen to birds,
and I can't do that if you tear all the trees down.

Role em up roll em up and put em in the pan

Scout thinks that this little ditty is stupid,
and that we say it too much to her nephew,
but my grandson loves it; he smiles a wide smile
when you say it to him over and over.


I didn't pick either of my dogs
I inherited them, one from the wind
the other from my oldest son.

There is magic in that.

Not all roads are dead ended

Lying in pools of my own puke
my clothes covered in blood
waking to wait to see the judge
I never thought that I would be sober,

but I am.

K List

I have started walking my dogs separately,
which is much easier on my arms.
I at some bread, yesterday, which, these days is a rarity,
though I dearly love bread.
The spinach in my garden is making me proud,
although all I did was plant the seeds, and water them a bit.
I don't like to vacuum my carpet as much as I should.
I don't have a car, and don't want one; they are parasites.
I haven't eaten meat in over nine months.
I have become more optimistic than pessimistic,
which is certainly a life-style change.
I love turtles.
I have skinny legs.
I am very lucky to be alive, having been a practicing alcoholic
until seventeen years ago.
I don't know why I wrote this, but I had fun doing it.

What a smile the kid has

My grandson came to visit me, yesterday evening;
he is all grown up at 15 weeks.

Happiness lies in our thoughts

Things could get better,
they could get worse,
and if you think that
they will get worse,
they certainly will.

Having only become an optimist
recently, I'm not totally sure
that thinking good things will
for sure lead to good things,
but I do know that it makes living
life easier.

A not so random act of kindness

My dogs love to have their hair brushed;
they look up at me as if brushing their hair
is one of the most caring, kind, wonderful.
loving things that I could do.

Sometimes it is the simplest of things
that make the greatest difference in this world.

Something that makes my heart happy

I love to see fathers and sons get along.
This may stem from the relationship that I had
with my father, which certainly was not idyllic.
My next door neighbor's son got pissed off at his father,
awhile back,and moved out of the house, to a town kind of far away.
I could see, and feel, my neighbor's pain.
I have two sons, and, there have been times, with both of them,
that a schism has developed between us, and it always tore my heart up,
to be at odds with my boys.
My neighbor is moving out of his house.
His son was with him, last night, moving his things out of the house, also.
They had made up.
They are laughing and chatting and smiling at each other with love and respect.
I love it.
I love to see such a thing.
Fathers and sons should get along.
Fathers and sons should love each other.


When I called her, there were tears in my eyes,

"I can't take care of him, anymore," I said to her.
"I don't have the money, and I won't have the space
where I am moving."

Because we had had trouble in the past, arguing
over such trivial things as our children, money,
and my behavior, I thought that she might be mean,
and say something like, "You are no good, you'll always be no good,"
something like my father had often said to me as I was growing up.

But the years had mellowed her, and the years had put
a different kind of love into our relationship,
a love that was not angry or conditional.

I will pick that old dog Javi up, tomorrow.
You know that he always has a home here if he needs it,
and I knew that I always had a home in her heart,
and, that, I needed.

Funny how that goes

A lot of children got left behind
in Bush's, "No Child Left Behind," plan.

I sure can pick 'em

She goes to closed coffee shops, after midnight,
and says that she smokes crack in strip joints
when she can't afford to buy marijuana.

I'd become invisible

The last thing that I would want to do
if I had had a face transplant
would be to show my face to the international media.

I would want to sit at home, and drink coffee.
I would want to go to the bookstore.
I would want to buy groceries.

I would not want to feed into the feeding frenzy,
with my face as the bait.

I'm crawling back in my cave

I didn't know that you could buy dog wipes,
and keep your doggie clean between baths.

I don't know why I still ask women out.

I got reviewed, tonight, at work
and they said that my attitude was excellent.

I chuckled, and asked my boss if she would contact
my dead father, and tell him that.

I'm going to buy some doggie wipes, when I get paid on Friday,
and I'm going to become even more of a hermit,
and pretend that women don't exist.

Some lessons are harder to learn than others

While walking home from somewhere with my father,
I was being taunted by this kid,
as I was so often taunted by this kid, and other kids,
at that point in my life,
and my father said to me, "Go fight him."
I looked up at my father in shock, because I knew
that the kid could kick my ass.
"Go fight him," said my father,
and I crossed the street, and got my ass kicked.
On the rest of the walk home, my father walked behind me,
kicked me in the butt periodically, and called me a "pussy."

My father wanted me to be a fighter, like he said that
the kids back in his native Ireland were,
but he never taught me how to fight.

I would never put my kids through such a thing.

How the other half lives

People are losing their jobs, and they see it as, mainly, a bad thing,
but what if, really, it is a good thing.
First, you tell the credit card companies to fuck off,
they go bankrupt,
and all those corrupt bankers lose the four houses
that they acquired screwing you.
Second, you have more time;
more time for you, more time for your loved ones,
more time to walk your dogs,
and try to talk some sense into your cats.
You cut back to essentials.
Who needs all the excess, anyway?
Remember what George Carlin said about, "Stuff?"
Less is probably better.
You'll get another job, one that is less stressful,
that you like better, one where the boss is not such an asshole.
Enjoy living on unemployment.
You earned it.
Been down so long, looks like up to me, and I enjoy being down here.

Last house on the left

She was "normal" at one time,
and maybe she was unhappy
so she went to what might look to you as extremes
to make herself happy.

She dyed her hair.
She got a nose ring.
She started hanging out with people who had tattoos,
and wanted to start bands, instead of get MBA's.

Sometimes, you can try too hard to be yourself,
but if you never try, the loss will be yours;
the world really doesn't care that much about you or me,
either way.


I fill my ice trays, as soon as I empty them;
running out of ice is like running out of toilet paper
it is simply not acceptable.

Mostly, the animals get fed first thing in the morning
(after I have splashed cold water on my face.)
Then I make my coffee; that is true love!

My legs were incredibly sore, yesterday,
from the incredibly long walks that I took, the day before,
with the dogs. Today they feel better; it will be short walks,
today, and Yoga, with an eye on a longer walk tomorrow.

My daughter is done with another school year in three weeks.
She will never be a freshman in high school again.
The years are passing by too fast; soon I will be a great great grandfather.

Rat a tat tat

Strange is my composure; under fire
I don't pull out my gun and kill.

Every breath is a miracle

If you live long enough,
the possibilities for anything are endless

"We want the world, and we want it, now."**

We don't want war in Afghanistan.
We don't want war in Iraq.
We don't want to give inept, and unsavory, corporations billions of dollars.
We want better schools for our kids.
We want those with more to have less, and those who have nothing to have something,

I want peace of mind. I want love.
I want to give peace of mind. I want to give love.

**Jim Morrison screamed this in a song.

Bless me Father, for I have

"Grace is having a commitment to--or at least an acceptance of--being ineffective and foolish." --P. 142 "Traveling Mercies," by Anne Lamott

Many of us were raised to be "perfect." Our parents expected straight A's, thought that we were not working hard enough if we did not score the most points in a basketball game, and thought that we flat out sucked if we lost a tennis match.

The nuns used to give out Gold Stars, when I was in Catholic School; and I was a Gold Star Craving Little Kid. I wanted a pat on the head, a word of praise, recognition that I was somehow better than the kids who were sitting around me.

I wanted to come in first in all classes in school, win all the races on the track, after school, and give me the ball, give me the ball, give me the ball on the basketball court.

Grace? Ineffectiveness, and foolishness?
You must be high.

Blue lights flashing no more

If you haven't had a dui,
it doesn't mean that you haven't been drunk behind the wheel.

When you got kids, you don't always do what you feel;

I never cared for anyone more than me,
until they put that little baby in my hands.

In all politeness

Some women are hard to satisfy,

No matter how hard you try,
you just can't put a smile on their face.

Fuck 'em.


It has grown dark on the patio. The pitter patter of rain drops onto leaves in the trees has begun. Thunder is beginning to make itself present. Sirens can be heard about the city. My dog, Morisson, is getting edgy. I go inside, and he is glued to my feet, following me every step of the way to my desk. Back on the porch, Morisson curls up at, and nearly on, my feet. Mo hates thunder and lightening storms; they scare him. This one is going to be a doozy. Large trees are swaying as if they are going to break, as the water starts to fall, like floodwaters from Hell. Morrison is desperately trying to pull my hand off of the mouse attached to my computer.

"It's alright, Morisson," I say to my dog, who is now looking up at me, and panting. I think to myself that I really hope that it is going to be alright. I've never sat on a porch, and watched a storm arrive.

It is kind of scary, Morisson; it is kind of scary.


If I survive;
if you survive.

We survived.

Remember the good.
Remember the bad;

The waiting is the hardest part

This night didn't last long.
The cats and dogs are assembled at my feet,
as if I have called a meeting.
The only reason that we have gathered is that Morisson has woken me,
and I have woken everyone else.
There's nothing to talk about, just a storm to ride out,
so that Morrison will calm down, and we can all go back to sleep.


I was talking to this lady, and I asked her her name.
It was a very unique name, one that I had never heard of before.
I said, "That is a very unique name," and she said, "Yes,
it came over on The Mayflower," obviously very proud that her
name had come over on The Mayflower. I had to bite my tongue,
because all I could think to say was, "Were you the one to give
the blankets with small pox to the Indians?"


I can't sleep. There is a storm outside, and Morrison jumped into the bed with me as he always does when there is thunder and lightening outside. Tonight, he is even more afraid of the storm than he usually is. He is panting uncontrollably, and shaking very intensely. He keeps digging his nose into my hand, looking for comfort. I am tired, and sore from walking him too far, the other day, so I am not much of a source of serenity, tonight. I get out of bed to get away from him. He follows me about the apartment. We are a mess, tonight; the storm has gotten the best of both of us.


Vittles are scant until the check shows up on Friday,
but, as I was walking home from work, tonight,
I thought, heck, I got two potatoes; I'm going to put
them both in the microwave at the same time,
that will be a feast, and then I realized that I am
out of butter, and sour cream, and a plain potato,
or two plain potatoes didn't appeal to me.
And, then, I thought, heck, I'll fry them, and lather
them up with ketchup, I have this real nice, and full,
bottle of the organic variety, and then I realized
that I was out of olive oil.

If I could save time in a bottle

Bundy waits at the door until I call him.
God, where did this dog come from?
Is this the brutally self-centered dog,
that I inherited, by accident, who did
NOTHING that I asked him to do for the
longest time? It is weird to me, that the
dogs who come to me the most undisciplined
become the most obedient. Their need for
love is obvious, from the beginning of our
relationship, and, I guess, the rest of it
just takes time.

I wonder what a lady bug feels when it is stepped on?

Why would anyone kill a lady bug?

It is amazing how lousy your body can feel

My legs have been killing me for days;
sore and painful is how I would describe them.


When I was a kid, we would go to The Beach, in the summer,
Old Saybrook, and these kids would stand on the peer
with food attached to string, and catch crabs;
then they would pull the legs off the crabs,
and hold a magnifying glass to the crabs' bodies
and set them on fire.
I wonder if these kids turned out to be Ted Bundys.

If your business is failing will the government give you money?

People are doing the math on how much each U.S. citizen would receive if all the money that is being given to Corporations was being given to the people.


The Pope announced today that the Catholic Church would be liquidating all its assets, and distributing them among the poor, and to all Americans who are out of work.

When I was younger, I was always going to things

They are going to try to set the world's record for the number of pancakes eaten, today, in a park downtown. Part of me wants to go to this event, but part of me knows that I will not go, and will, most likely, sit on my porch with a book, my laptop near, so that I can write things down that occur to me.

That is what I am: a writer

Sometimes, people get too busy for you
and, sometimes, you get too busy for them,
but, usually, they are busier than me, these days,
because I have been very busy in the past,
and did not like it, so I try to structure it, now,
so that there is a lot of time in my life for just sitting around.

Well, I don't actually just sit around;
I spend a lot of time writing.

I just had to report this

My grandson's hair stands straight up in the middle,
as if he has a mohawk. It is the cutest thing.

Twinkle twinkle

I never go outside and look at the stars.
I don't know if it is that looking at the stars doesn't interest me,
or if there are no stars to look at from here in the city.
I will have to look up at the sky tonight,
and see what is going on up there.

A walk to the vet

I am taking the dogs to get their annual shots, this morning.
It will probably be an uneventful event.
I'm not even sure why I brought it up;
I mean much more exciting things are happening in the world, today.
Wars are being fought, love is being made, jobs are being lost.
Sometimes, though, even things that are unimportant
somehow have significance.


This morning, the cats are milling about the kitchen,
waiting for something to happen that is not going to happen,
looking up at me expectantly, waiting for me to lay down
the two dishes containing their wet cat food
that I lay down every morning, only that is not going to happen
until later in the day, because I am out of wet cat food.

Funny how you spoil the animals that you love.


As I age, I, mostly, can eat faster than I can think;
somebody please shoot me before I wind up at
The Retirement Home slowly dieing of Alzheimer's.

Chowing Down with Slim Chickens
By Mikel K

I saw this band, several weeks ago, that was great. They had a very high energy level, and kicked out indredible original songs. Musically, they were a cross between The Rolling Stones, and Lynnard Skynnard, and, due to the lead singer's charasmatic, and comedic bantering, I was reminded, somehow, of The B52's.

Like the B 52's, the band did dress a bit weird, mostly in plaid. They said they was all cousins from Oklahoma, with a wink in their eye. "I'm Slim Chickens," said the singer, "and this is my cousin, J.T. Chickens, pointing to the drummer, and this is Cousin," he says, introducing the bass player.

I think that these guys are cousins like the Ramones were all Ramones. I liked the band so much that I went to see them again, last night. It is somehow appropriate that a band called Slim Chickens was playing a BBQ Joint, Daddy Dz, near downtown Atlanta.

It is hot on the porch at Daddy Dz, as Rich and J.T. are putting the finishing touches on setting up for the gig. "One day you'll look back at this from your limos," I say to the guys.

"Yes," says Rich, a grim smile on his sweating face, "We'll look back."

"Welcome to my living room," singer Rich DeSantis says, a few minutes later, to a handful of people eating pork, and chicken slathered in bbq sauce, as the band Slim Chickens takes the "stage" at Daddy Dz. "I hope that my mother's cooking is pleasing to you," he adds. DeSantis puts the crowd in a good mood right away, with his jokes.

The first song is a cover. The drummer makes this song his own. He is all over the place on his kit, as Rich sings, "Little sister don't you do what your big sister done."

"Thank you. Good night." says DeSantis at the end of the song, as if to say, that's it, that's our set for tonight. There are not a lot of people on the porch, and it is hot. DeSantis grabs a jar marked, "Tips," and tells the few people in attendance that "They are paying us in pork, so help us out."

"We could use some new tires on the van," says the drummer.

"Remember, the more you drink, the better we sound," says the singer, leading the band into an original Slim Chickens song called, "Living on Tulsa Time." Wait, that is a cover, also. All four members of the band wear sunglasses, though it is now dark out.

"We're not used to playing to crowds this huge," says DeSantis, at the start of the next song. "We're looking for a manager," he adds. "We'd like to play a string of places with air conditioning," he quips, wiping an enormous amount of sweat off his forehead.

At the end of the song, the drummer lets out a happy yelp. "We almost ended that damn song together," he says with a big grin. J.T. is joking. Slim Chickens is a tight band, and the drummer knows it. DeSantis, J.T., and Cousin have been playing together for 15 years, according to Cousin.

The band Slim Chickens suddenly forgets that it is almost unbearably hot on the bbq joint porch. The band suddenly forgets that there are only a handful of people on that porch listening to them. The band forgets about the tip jar, and it forgets that it needs new tires on the van as they launch into one of their originals, a song called, "Stars In These Cars."

Jim Morisson once said that "whether there were one or one million in front of you, you got to give it your all." I don't know if Slim Chickens is down with The Doors, but I do know that on this hot and sweaty bbq porch, with way closer to one than one million people watching them, the band Slim Chickens delivered an immensely exciting and energetic couple of hours of music.

"I'm only feeling single, when I'm seeing double," croons DeSantis as my food arrives. It don't get no better than this: Slim Chickens and bbq at Daddy Dz! I likes to eat, and I likes my rock n roll, and I thank Slim Chickens for serving up a great, great night. Do yourself a favor and get you some Slim Chickens real soon.

The recession trickles down to the outside cat

Monkey didn't get fed, today, and he is out there meowing
for some food, right now, that he is not going to get until tomorrow
because we are out of extra cat food.

No pain no gain?

I've been putting Vaseline on the hard corns that are inhabiting
my big toes,
and it has been softening them a bit, allowing me to walk
without experiencing great pain due to their presences.
The human body is a beautiful thing, but it sure can get ugly at times,
delivering to you intense pain that often seems grossly unfair.

Maybe I should have said, "Hang on, I forgot the peanut butter!"

The other day, I was in the grocery store, counting out the dimes, nickels, and pennies that people tip me at work, and I came up seventeen cents short, so I said to the the cashier, "please take one of my bananas back," and she was about to do that when two ladies, one if front of me in the line, and the other in back of me in the line, both said, "How much does he need?" and one of them slapped a dollar on the counter. I was very touched by this, and a bit embarrassed; I mean I am a big boy, a man, actually, and I should be able to afford my own groceries, and not rely on the benevolence of strangers to eat.

I thanked the lady, profusely, and assured her that I was going to, "Pass it forward."

As I walked home, with my groceries, I started to cry. I'm not sure if I was crying because I was sad that I can't afford a lot of groceries, or if I was crying because I never used to believe in people, and here was a shining example of how, if you let them, people just might not let you down, and, might, in fact, provide you with uplifting experiences, such as coming to your rescue at the grocery store when you are seventeen cents short.

I told my son's mother this story, and she kind of poo pah'd it saying that this type of thing happens all the time. Well, it has never happened to me, and I do not think that you should think of it as an ordinary thing when people are nice to you, which is not necessarily what the kid's mother is saying. I have to be careful here; the kid's mother and I are getting along fabulously, and I don't want to damage that in any way!

I am going to go have a banana, now.

Bah humbug

I've seen my mother once since 1975,
when I left her home because of my lousy relationship with my father.
When my father died, my mother adopted my father's attitude
towards me that I was bad news, and shunned me like the plague.
That is how I see things, anyway; she might have a different story to tell.
She might tell you that when I was younger, I was a drunk
always causing trouble of some sort.
The way I see it, I didn't turn out to be a perfect child,
so she dumped me.
It's hard to be a perfect child; I don't expect it of my children,
and, maybe that is why we get along, and nobody has had to dump anybody.
There are a lot of great mothers in my life on this mother's day,
but my mother is not one of them.

What we'd like to do versus what we have to do

There is not enough time, this morning,
to write down all that needs to be written down.
Someone has deemed it more important, on this Sunday,
to pay the bills, than it is to spend time writing
about a grandchild, and cats, and dogs, among other things.
I am not complaining, just commenting.
I enjoy a running air conditioner,
and lights to read by as much as the next fellow, or female.

Stand up

I'm tired as hell, but I'm waiting for some potatoes to boil,
before I can lay down, and take a nap.
My computer keeps going into "suspend" mode, which is greatly irritating.
The dogs, and I, took a long walk to the vets', today.
Bundy was good as hell; Morisson thought that he was sneaky,
slipping off to hang out with Beverly at her desk,
while Bundy was getting looked at.

Beverly runs the office; she had a new cat that she found out back of the building.
"The mother is feral," she said. "There are two more kittens out there with her."
The cat that she had acquired from the feral mother, was one of the most well-behaved, and pretty, cats that I have ever seen, though he was a bit sneaky, waving his paw at Bundy when he thought that none of us was looking, causing Bundy to get in trouble for jumping up on Beverly's desk;

funny how dogs and cats think that they can put one over on you.


I am not what my father wanted me to be
but I am what I wanted to be.


She has the prettiest smile
but she never uses it.

I want their past to repeat itself

The cats are happy, once again, their food bowl has been filled.
This morning they were looking at me strangely, as if I was
a serial killer, or worse, for letting their big white bowl go empty.

I think that these cats are spoiled, they don't know how good
they have it, and I am going to do my damnedest to keep spoiling them.

Welcome to the machine

For the past several weeks, my computer has been shutting itself off,
almost as soon as I quit using it, which is a major pain in the ass.
I want my computer to shut off when I want it to shut off,
and not when it feels like shutting off.

Can you imagine if all the machines in your life did the same thing?
There you are driving to work, or driving to pick your kid up from school,
and your car just decides to shut down. What an immeasurable pain
in the ass that would be.

I saw a car catch on fire, yesterday; it went from smoldering,
to smoking, to all out blaze in a span of less than five minutes.
Some guy went to the store to get flowers for his mom
on Mother's Day, and when he came back, he didn't have a car to drive.

The fire department got there fast as hell, which is good, because,
I guess that the car could have blown up.

Life in the fast lane

People, and especially women who I am trying
to become interested in,
don't have enough time; they are always on the go,
having to do this, wanting to do that,
needing to do this, that, and whatever.

It's kind of a lonely proposition, really, when you think about it,
unless they are just lying to me, telling me that they are busy
because they don't want to hang out with me, which then makes it,
on my part, even lonelier, doesn't it?

Then silence

I'm up way earlier than I really want to be
I want to be sleeping, but I'm awake
listening to an interview with John Lennon
where he talks about peace.

In this interview, John Lennon comes across
as very serious about peace; he is not messing around
when it comes to peace, and sounds like he is ready
to fight when it comes to peace.

I guess he lost.

Put the pedal to the metal and don't look back

I really don't have much to offer a girl who is looking
for things in a man
A girl wants a man with money: I don't have money.
A girl wants a man with a car; I don't have a car.
A girl wants a man with a bright future; my future is uncertain.
A girl wants a man to be able to buy her fancy dinners,
nice clothes, and eventually a diamond ring.
I eat on my porch, don't have cash to buy myself nice clothes,
and have no intention of buying anyone a ring.

So, if you are, somehow, interested in me, as a dating entity,
I suggest that you, instead, run like hell.

Can I hitch a ride to the homogenized side?

I really want to have a hot tea with milk,
but I am out of milk, and I really don't want
to walk down to the store.

Would you mind running over there for me?

Can you fix those suckers?

I was sitting on the porch when the plumber arrived,
and I was sitting on the porch when the landlady arrived,
and I heard her say something to the plumber about,
"Two faucets to fix," and I ran up to her, and said,
"Well, I hope this is the right time to tell you this,
but there is a third faucet to fix, and my shower head keeps
flying off and hitting me in the ding dong, when I am taking
a shower."

I was in the right place at the right time, because, now,
I have a new showerhead, and the plumber is going to fix
my kitchen sink.

Good things are endless from this porch, and I am thankful for that.

Moderate is me

My neighbor, Emily, just gave me four of
the most delicious home-made scones.
I gulped them down. I inhaled those suckers.
I speed ate them, and, now, I wish that I had more of them to eat.

Is it better to take your time with a treat that is delicious,
or is it best to enjoy such a treat full tilt boogie, full blast,
down it all right away?

Whatever your answer, my practice is to be an inhaler,
a rapid consumer of that which is tasty.

Come to think of it, I have a chocolate bar in the refrigerator;
should I save it for tomorrow? I think not. I think that I ought to
go in there right now, and grab that chocolate bar by the horns,
undress it, and suck it down.

That will be One Fifty for the hour

This girl told her therapist about me,
and her therapist doesn't like me because I don't have a car,
and because she says that I might have baggage.

How can I have baggage, if I don't have a car
to put my bags in?

I am not used to therapists making judgment calls
for their clients on who they should hang out with, or not,
especially when it comes to me.

My thought is that this girl should get a new therapist.

What good is a poem to a woman?

I don't feel good, today; I feel a bit dizzy, somewhat uncertain,
and I am scared that my knee is going to go out with every step
that I take.

My garden is growing well, however; though there has been
some uncertainty expressed as to whether or not there is enough
sun shining on the plot to support my tomatoes.

There is this really hot chick hovering in front of the porch
that I sit on. She is hanging out with the landlady.
Do you think that if I go up and tell her
that I write some really neat poems that she will fall for me?

I doubt it. We don't live on Fantasy Island, now do we kids?
What good is a poem, even a really good one to a woman?

For the record

Just because I write a nice poem every once in awhile doesn t mean that I not a jealous, possessive, lamely insecure ego maniac with rampant self worth issues, who thinks that he knows everything.

Tying me up and beating me just wouldn't work for me

I just took one of those pills for acid reflux,
and, praise The Lord, it worked, and, now,
my throat doesn't feel like there is a chain saw
down there ripping my digestive track to threads.

The human body can give us much pleasure,
as those of you who have had an orgasm know,
but it can also kick you in the teeth,
and reject your rent check and put you on the street.

I'm not sure if that is a good analogy,
but you know what I'm talking about.

There is NOT pleasure in pain, as someone once sang;
at least there is NOT pleasure in pain for me;
there is only pain in pain, only.

Still yawning

Sometimes I wake up from a nap feeling mean.
Isn't that kind of a cruel joke?

A poem

You can't pay your mortgage or rent with it.
You can't make a car payment with it.
You can't buy ice cream for you kids with it,
or buy lunch for your wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend.
You can't pay a utility bill with it,
so it is fucking useless.

Yum yum yummy

I just baked cookies.
They turned out well,
I can't wait until they cool down,
and I can have me some.

I told Scout, when she was here,
this afternoon, to cook the cookies,
and she said, "We don't have any sugar."

Well, the cookies didn't need any sugar.

Heavy mayo on everything, please

I could never love a woman who hates mayonnaise,
it would be over the minute that she scraped
the wonderful substance from her tomato, and said, "Ewwwwh."

He didn't feel good, so he killed five people

He wasn't supposed to have a weapon,
his had been taken away from him,
but he found one, and killed five of his fellow soldiers.
They think that he was on his third tour of duty in Iraq;
do you think that that might have contributed to his mental problems?

Planetary Differences

She comes from Mars,
and I don't come from Her Anus,
so I don't much see any good
in pursuing such a thing.

Smiles on their faces

The cats are happy, this morning,
not only do they have dry food, again,
after a momentary lapse in it, yesterday,
they also have wet food to lick, today.

A happy cat is a cat is a very good thing
to have about the house.

Say no instead of groveling like a dog and see what happens

The best way to get a woman to come to you,
is to reject her. Woman can't stand rejection,
and it draws them to you like flies to doo doo poo poo.

I think that I can walk without limping today

I woke up late today, at almost 9:30 a.m.,
and it appears, so far, that my knee is not
hurting me like it has been.

Ice is an amazing thing, especially when placed
on injuries.

In lieu of oatmeal

I just had a cookie for breakfast,
and I'm trying real hard to just have
that one cookie.

It's not easy for me,
for when I have sugar,
I immediately crave more sugar,
and more sugar, and more sugar,

Money is a joke, like the people who have it

To be continued.

Striking out with a tear in your eye

I'm not hitting it on the nose,
though I am trying.
It's like that, sometimes,
you can't always nail it,

even though you are putting your heart into it
even though you are putting your soul into it
even though you are putting your heart
and soul into it.

It evades you, sometimes, like a ghost
in the cemetery that hides in the trees
when it really wants to come down and talk to you
about old times.

The world passes you by while you are wallowing in you

My carnal desires do not include
you can't take me higher, baby.

I don't spend a dollar just because I can,
I don't worry about what you think,
to form my value of myself as a man.

I talk to imaginary voices, sometimes,
but I am not crazy; I was taught to compete
with myself.

The birds are calling to me,
but I want to ignore them,
another day in my head, they don't understand
why I'm not smiling.

Permanent disability

She's crashing next door,
but I won't see her no more.

Why wait any longer for the one you love
say a prayer for her arrival to God above.

I don't like annuals,
I like perennials
but it is obvious that you'd be too hard to please,
so, just go away, go away
let it end before it unfolds
the work day is over
I'm waiting for my limousine
but I can't even afford to get my favorite magazine
in the mail.

If I got locked up, tonight, I'd sit
where they sat me, eating green bologna sandwiches,
because I couldn't afford the bail.
I would have to wait until the morning,
and see what The Judge had to say.

Each time that I reach down in my pocket,
it seems that the hole just keeps getting deeper,
like the one that I'd be digging if I tried to get closer to you.
I'm a rock star.
I'm a rock star.
Take a valium at your desk, and try not to think of me.

Future certitude

People appear to be expert,
but they're not,
and my gut instinct usually pans out
to have portrayed what was right, for me.

And I have never smoked crack even once in my life

I don't feel good today; in fact I feel like shit.

My mood is terrible, almost as if I have been smoking crack for days,
and the man in charge of the crack house just said
that I have smoked all the crack that he is going to give me to smoke up
for the title of the car that I gave him(mine)
the wedding ring that I gave him(yours)
and the title to the house that I turned over to him(ours.)

I know a guy who turned his car over to a crack dealer in the hood.
The crack dealer wouldn't give it back, either; he looked upon the
deal as a legitimate business transaction, didn't give a damn about
"addiction," or "relapse," any of them sort of fancy 12 step words
that people attribute to their fuck ups when they is trying to get clean.

Just writing this down has made me feel better; hell, things could be
much, much worse than just not feeling so good,
and things have been much, much worse in the past,
so I better grab me some gratitude for where I am, right now.

I need a cane to stroll down the horizon

My walking life, and the walking life of my dogs,
has been seriously impeded, recently, by a bum knee.
Before that, it was a bum torn groin muscle,
and, before that, my neck was stopping me
from grabbing the dogs, and heading to The Park,
and beyond.

Don't get old is all that I can say to you,
about this.

Even if you choose to not participate you will have to play the game

I finally got my medication, this afternoon,
and I finally got my turtle tank filters, this evening.
What was the hold up, you might ask?
Money, that evil little bitch that has us all tied up by the balls,
even if we don't have testicles.


I want to take a vacation;
I know where I want to take that vacation to,
but I don't know how I will pay for that vacation,
which is probably the kind of vacation that most of us
can afford, right now.

If silence is golden why is it in such small demand?

It is, often, not quiet on this porch,
there are a wide variety of things that occur to limit the silence,
like, today, a fellow made a furniture delivery
and the scaping of his ramps on his truck,
as he pulled the ramps off the truck,
reminded me of the scraping of teeth on a blackboard, only louder.
And, just now, some of the kids who live downstairs
were talking before they got in their cars and drove off,
talking, talking, talking about nothing really,
just talking before they drove off.
The noisy people come and go, leaving me here typing,
or reading a book.
I don't think that they even notice me.

Target practice

I don't much hide behind he, she, or we.
I stand in front of you and admit to you that me is me.

Some say that I limit my universality;
oh well, the truth is more told, if you believe my lies.

A look inside my living room

That first cup of coffee, in the morning,
makes me feel like what it must feel like to enter heaven,
and if you don't believe in heaven, which I'm not sure I do,
you still know what I'm talking about.

I slept well, and long, last night
rising at 11 a.m. instead of my usual five or six a.m.
I have a psoriasis itch behind my left ear
which is bothering me, but, besides that,
everything is peach keen in my world, so far, today.

My youngest son is supposed to come over for dinner,
I am looking forward to that;
I lived with him almost every day until he was eighteen,
and, now, hardly see him at all.

The cats have been fed, including Monkey, my neighbor's cat,
who is not much scared of my dogs, when he is hungry.
Bundy was more interested in going outside, first,
than he was in eating his food right away this morning,
so I obliged him.
I need to change the turtles' water; I have finally bought
new filters for their tank.

I think that it is going to be a beautiful day,
and, mostly, it is how we think that determines what will be.

Love can drag you to the ground

I, mostly, look older than I feel.
I cook a pretty good meal.
You can be going on feeling good
about your life; let the wrong one enter,
and then, suddenly, you're fucked.

Fucking let me go

I had to live in the scattered remnants of whatever I had done
under the influence of Dionysus for so very long; she dictated
my behavior before the buzz, after the buzz, and while the buzz
was going on. She set me free from me, until the day when she started to bind me, the ropes getting tighter, and tighter as the days rolled on.

I screamed out mad, "Release me," but she was a weird dominatrix,
seeming to derive pleasure from my pain, joy from my madness. The
more ill I got, the closer she pulled me to her.

And if you loved him can you ever love me?

Will you let me play with
what is inside you, dear?
Come nearer, show yourself
in the sun, show yourself
in the sand, show yourself
sandwiched somewhere between
nine and five, sandwiched
between all your children,
sandwiched between the hatred
that you now have for one
who you once thought you loved.

When love is over,
did it really ever occur?

I'm rambling, man

And when I'm fat, and I'm alone
will you still give me permission
to indulge my passion for candy?

How much is a gallon of gas, these days?
I've gone green, and they can't put the
squeeze to me, like they've always done.

Has anyone seen that special lady,
the one who said that she was the one for me?

Sometimes they're all wet

Why do my dogs like to lick me?
Would they kiss me, if they could?


I haven't had a good laugh with one of the teddy bears
in what seems like forever; don't let such times slip away.


I'll keep that in mind.
I'll file it away for a rainy day.
You've offered me a check,
I might try to cash it, some day,
then what would you say?

You might act like you can't hear me.
You might run like hell.
You might point your finger at my face,
and laugh at me.
You might slip out of that dress
that you are wearing, and tell me
to take off everything including my shoes.

You might.
You might.
You might,
but you won't, because I won't, either.

Play ball

Since I have been unable to much walk on my leg,
I came up with this great idea to take the dogs out
into the street and throw them a tennis ball
that I found the other day. This would be a great
way to give them the exercise that they have been
missing out on, I thought to myself, and most of
the neighbors are at work, so there won't be much
traffic to interfere in our game.

I threw the ball, and off the dogs ran, but they
did not chase the ball; each one headed for a different
side of the street, several houses down from me.

Bundy took his pants down and took a dumpster in the grass,
and Morisson started sniffing flowers; neither one of them
paid me any attention when I called to them, so I got my shotgun
and killed them both.


We look at The Earth like she is a whore,
and we've fucked her like Ted Bundy did
the women he coaxed into his Volkswagen.

The Earth is a whore and we've fucked it
like Charlie Manson did those folks
just trying to live their lives in California.


I have a grocery list;
I am trying to keep it short,
eat less, and have more money
for the utility bill.

It is weird when your choice
is between lights to read,
and cereal to eat.

Nobody ever really promised us
anything, now did they, anyway?

My meth

This morning is starting off very slowly,
I have not yet had the second cup of coffee
that would speed it up.

Eating it raw

I made this pasta dish for me and the kid to eat,
last night, with peas, and corn, and peppers,
and mayonnaise added to the noodles.
I don't think the kid really liked the meal,
he said that the noodles weren't cooked enough,
and I thought, heck, they are cooked just the way
I like them.

Come to think of it

It is going to be hot as hell
inside this apartment, soon,
I know this because it it mid-May
and it is already pretty effin hot.

I'm still recovering from the winter heating bills,
and don't want to jump right into
the summer air conditioning bills.

They got you by the balls
is the song lyric that comes to mind.

Not everybody wags their tail at me

These dogs are happy to see me,
these dogs are always happy as hell to see me,
why couldn't these dogs be a couple of women?

There's been a change

I changed the turtles' water, last night;
it always makes me happy to look over
at the two of them, and see them milling about
in fresh, clear water, and, I assume,
that it makes them happier.

Sign of the times

5 a.m. and I am awake, sort of,
wondering if I can wait two weeks
to administer the flea treatments
that I got from the vet for the cats
and dogs. Somebody was scratching,
I think, last night,or it could simply be
the paranoia that I have in knowing
that I am trying to stretch things.
I went without one of my meds
for a week, waiting for the money
to come in to pay for it. It wasn't
one of the crucial meds, mind you,
and, mind you, I am not complaining.
When you talk to folks, you find out
that, currently, a lot of them are
scrimping here, doing without there,
trying to economize here and there,
and darn right just getting by in other places.


"That's fair," she said "just be honest with me,
and upfront," and I thought, hell that's a lot to ask
of a man, especially of a man who you might enter
into a relationship of some sort with.

Relationships are hardly ever fair, and who is ever
honest in them?

Verbal vomit

"Nothing has anything to do with anyone."
I said this, and then I wrote it down,
thinking that it must be important,
but I can't for the life of me, now,
think of what I meant when I said it,
so it now seems like a useless thing
to have said.

Homemade Doggie K Treats

This is a great doggie treats recipe.
Mix a 32 oz. container of Vanilla Yogurt
with 32 oz. container of Vegetable Broth.

Stir or blend until the two have become one,
then pour into ice cube makers and let freeze

Your dogs will love these treats.
The batch last almost two weeks,
feeding two dogs one treat a night.

Peace From The K Kitchen

Can't you see that I'm in my underwear, honey?

American Corporations are ruthless,
and they train the people who collect
a paycheck from them to be ruthless
like the girl who was just standing
at my door and waving to me like I
was her best friend while my dog Bundy
barked at her psychotically.


This cloud may never leave me.
The sun may never appear again.
That is how dismal I feel about your disappearance,
my friend.
I have turned all the candles out,
never to turn them on again.



Dealing with the essentials

Love does not necessarily have to screw your life up
I have decided
but I still think that you have to be very careful
in choosing who you love.

I think that you should be careful when picking your pet,
also, but to compare picking love with picking a pet
would be ludicrous

I can't help it, but sometimes I am crazy,
especially when it comes to love, and I am crazy about my pets.

Like a virgin

I just got an email trying to sell me a book
that has "practical advice for beginning poets."

First of all, I'm not sure if I am a poet;
I mean, what is a poet really?

And then, if I am a poet, I'm not sure that I am
a beginning poet, I've been at this shit since 1983.

Some days, I feel like a virgin,
but that is another conversation altogether.

Stevia not sugar

I put too much sweetener in my coffee, this morning,
can a woman ever be too sweet?
I have fed the cats already, today;
Kobain and Jaggar and Monkey love the new cat tuna
that I have been buying them.
I don't eat tuna anymore, even though I love it,
because of the high mercury level in canned tuna.
I don't much eat shrimp anymore, and I love me some shrimps,
but when they drag the nets to catch the shrimp
they catch all sorts of other aquatic beings
such as turtles, and just cast them off to die.

A woman can never be too sweet
but don't eliminate her just because
she is a little hard around the edges.
Life can kick the piss out of you, sometimes,
and it takes awhile, often, to recover from things.


I am cooking the noodles more, this morning,
because my son told me that the noodles that I fed him
earlier in the week were not cooked enough.
I want my son to love my cooking,
so that he will visit me once a week to have dinner.

I won't admit it

I won't admit it,
but I need someone to hold me.

I won't admit it,
but I need someone to hug.

I won't admit it,
but I need someone's hand to hold.

I won't admit it,
but this being alone shit
is getting old.

Not to say that she is not a hot looking babe

I'm trying to write poems about tonight
about how she made more sense than she did
the last few times that I saw her.

I've always said that a woman who grows on you
in beauty, and intellect, is better than some
hot looking babe who you can't talk to.

Pit bull

She was soft in all the right places, this evening,
when she had come across, in initial meetings, as hard.
You burn some women, and they don't want to get burned again,
so they develop these veneers that you must face because
the last guy they were with was an asshole,

or the last two or three guys.

Sunshine up ahead

It's raining and I should be taking a nap
but I am thinking of you, instead, thinking
of your significance in this thing called my life.

For the most part, it seems like a go.
I was tired of waiting around for you to arrive,
I'm glad that you finally got here.

A poem written while we talked about Shilo

I would hold you.
I would hold you forever,
or until you let me go,

then I would cry tears
bigger than any storm.

And I would pick myself
up, many pieces, scattered
on the floor,
and I would look for love,
again, I would look for love once more.


I always wanted to belong,
but I never fit in,
unless I drank a fifth of Jack Daniels,
and then they threw me out, when the bottle was done.


You say so many things, and I think that you mean them
until the ice cream melts on your cone, and you go away
to say so many things that you mean to someone else.

someone is blasting the doors from their stereo
and someone is blasting bee bop from their home
why did you have to leave me? I feel so all alone.


I'm holding her hand,
and she is looking at
but I don't know it.

I think that she is
in love with me.
I think that she is
in love with me,

but she isn't,
in a minute she's going to leave
she's going to leave me for him,
not on a whim,
she had it planned,
she had no further use for me.

Some pills are hard to swallow,
they tell you to stay in the now,
don't worry about yesterday,
or tomorrow,

and when I can put one foot
in front of me and see just
what I see it makes me happy.

Why worry about bills that you can't pay,
why worry about women who won't say hey,
why worry, worry, worry, worry at all?

Blow it all off,
blow all the worry, and frustration off.
Shead your tears.
Shead your fears.
It's an epidemic

Uncle Leroy likes to play
with little boys' penises,

and Grandpa Joe likes to look
under little girls' skirts,
and when he's looking
he's just getting started.

It's awful,
it's just awful
what so many kids are going through,

I look at you, and I ask, what can we do?

I meet them, disturbed ladies on the internet,
women I never have met,
and they tell me about the men who abused them.

Most of them will never get over it.
What can we do? What can we do?
It's a family affair

My mom
my mom
my mom
and my dad

were perfect.

My mom
my mom
my mom
and my dad,
never did anything wrong.

My mom
my mom
my mom
and my dad expected me
to be perfect,

but I failed.

My mom
my mom
my mom
and my dad disowned me,
as I walked out the door,

to return.
You can get used to just about anything

I wasn't puking in a bucket,
I was puking on the floor,
and puking all over my clothes,
and there was blood everyplace
bood on clothes blood on my face,
I was coming out of a blackout,
but I knew this place;

I was in the drunk tank, again.
I was in the drunk tank, again.

How could this be starting to feel normal?

A little white lie

Some people feel sorry for me
because I don't have a car,
but I am not one of them;
everything that I need is in walking distance:
hookers, bars, drug houses.


Weep weep

She's not used to dealing with facial hair
so I got no kisses on the neck, last night.


I'm drawing a blank,
sitting in front of
the computer screen
with nothing happening
no words flowing from inside
to outside, so far, this morning.

What if this was permanent;
I'd go stark fucking crazy
if I had to settle into an
existence where no words
appeared in front of me
as I typed on this computer.


There's always the chance that she will cut your balls off,
and hand them to you on a plate; it might be a really nice plate,
maybe a silver, or a gold plate, a plate way finer than you are used to
eating off of,

but there is also the chance that she will treat you like a king,
and that she will respond like a well-adjusted happy queen
to your amorous advances.

It's a crap shoot, but if you don't get in the game, you will never even
have the possibility of the possible highs that could be waiting for you.

Wouldn't it be nice?

Suitable? She's beautiful,
she's the most perfect woman
ever born,

not the norm,
she don't think like all the others.

Wine into water not

No mercy
you're a m.a.n.i.a.c.
No mercy
you attack me mercilessly
No mercy
no mercy
I don't believe in Your Christ
No heaven
No hell
Oh well, no jail can hold me
no prison of guilt you construct
can fold me

No mercy
no mercy
no mercy
I don't believe those things
you told me.

More options than opinions

I need a night light to show me the way.
I need a girlfriend to show you that I'm not gay.
I need an answer for the question "why,"
if you don't give it to me I won't die.

Can't buy liquor from the grocery store today,
it won't kill me.
Cigarettes cost five dollars a pack,
if I was still smoking I might have had a heart attack.

War's on the horizon,
they say it's good for the economy.
I love you. I love you,
will my peace and love due?

Confession(as near as it gets)

It's early Sunday morning
I'm not feeling like hell

No hangover, no money to find
to get out of jail
I live in a red state; it's great
I guess only those in town think like I do
Whatcha gonna do
bitch and moan; make yourself feel miserable?

I need a Motorhead t-shirt to go to church in.
I need a girl who I can talk to.
I'm losing my religion,
I lost my virginity to the wrong little girl
I was Catholic, but I got no one to confess to.
I'm going crazy, not really.
It's just the nature of this song,
to want to make you think that things are going wrong,
that ain't right.

You ain't quite right, but that's alright,
all the saved ones are in church right now,
many of them smug. I'd like to snuggle up to you,
don't you know what we could do?


Monkey comes trotting to my front door,
every morning, knowing that I have a bowl of food
for her.

Bundy and Morrison anticipate their morning meal,
almost from the minute that I wake up.

The turtles salivate,
the cats wait impatiently.

My stomach growls, but I will have to wait.

wouldn't it be nice

disasters turn placid
violence turns to peace
buddha becomes christ
revolution is found in evolution
natural no death involved

basketball becomes football
tennis becomes golf
everyone wins the lottery
and lives happily ever after.

Fairness doctrine

These dogs love to be petted,
they could sit at my feet for hours,
and have me run my hands across their heads.
They are less jealous of each other
than they were, each one knows that
he will get his fair share of time
with my hands.


There were too many problems,
too many cats,
too many dogs,
chickens that might not get along with my turtles.
There was a young child, to be concerned with,
lingering issues from her relationships in the past,
one too many broken hearts(hers),
and too many men in her present for her to make a decision about, right now.

So, I made things easy.
I went back to being alone.

There's been a change

Looking at some old pictures
I was reminded of some old phases of mine;
there was the dye my hair white phase,
there was the nose ring, and earrings phase,
there was the mohawk phase
there was the lsd phase
and there were many phases before and after
this phase that I won't get into right now.

Go team

I have talked about perfection before,
because, as I have told you,
my parents expected me to be perfect.
There is no such thing as perfect.
Fuck that. Don't even try.
That does not mean, don't put your best effort forward.
You should always have a smile on your face,
why not; everybody has their own problems.
Smile and you will feel better.
Geez, what a fucking pep talk this it.

Is their freedom after all of this?

I don't know if my poetry will be any better
if I get a Masters Degree in Poetry,
but I am considering it, if they'll have me,
and if I can figure out some way to pay for it
without borrowing any money.
Student loans make you, or me, at least,
a type of slave that you don't really notice
that you are, but you are.
I don't like being a slave to anything.
I like being free.
I've always liked being free,
although I often chained myself to things.
I think that the older you get,
the less you chain yourself to things,
the freer that you get.
And then you die.

Time in a bottle

There is never a right time for anything,
you have to make the time,
take that watch out of your pocket.
or purse, or off of your belt
(since most of our watches, these days,
are in our cell phones)
look at it and say, "the time is now."

I didn't plan on being a father,
but it saved my life.
I planned on being a poet,
and I haven't made a dime at it,
so many would say that it is a useless occupation.
I didn't plan on my knee acting like it belongs
to an 80 year old man, but it is,
and I have to deal with it.

I never planned on falling in love,
but I did, several times, and, sometimes,
it was good, and, sometimes, it was bad,
but I don't regret any of it, or any of them.

The dogs need some attention, now,
so I have to go.

Feeling is being

If you feel like an alien,
you will be an alien.
If you feel like a child molester,
you will be a child molester.
If you feel like a drunk,
you will be a drunk.
If you feel like a school teacher,
you will be a school teacher,
If you feel like a cop,
you will be a cop.

I could go on with this endlessly,
but I think you get my point.


I'll always be with you
I just won t be with you


Like Mr. Marley my feet is my only carriage,
but they carry me where I need to be.

Note to a lady I haven't made the acquaintance of yet

I'd like to take you far away
I'd like to take you far away
from trouble and strife.
I'd like to take you away
from those things that plague your mind.

I'm not a fortune teller.
I'm not a rich feller,
but everything is going to be o.k.
I know that everything is going to be o.k.

I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door,
I ain't never been here before
they ain't going to kick me out of the game
for moving from the cheap seats to the front row.

And the eagle flies

There have been unobtainable women
in my life before, and when I was younger,
I didn't know how to handle this situation.
I would lose much sleep over the matter,
drink too much, although I always drank too much, anyway;
I would breath unevenly, and endlessly fret over the situation.

Now, a song comes to mind, written by Stephen Stills:
"If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with."

Making it through my day

Sadly slowly passing time
is no longer my way,
I've had sad decades,
but today I won't sacrifice
even a day.

Your smile might make me linger,
but your frown won't make me stay.

Free time

Free time is not your time
Free time is not their time
Free time is my time
and I guard it with my life,
because my life is not passing slowly
and free time is my time
to do what I came here to do.

I didn't come here to change tires
on your cars.
I didn't come here to defend you in court.

I've done time.
I've wasted time.
This time is mine.
Free time.
Free time,
all the time.

If you can't be with the one you love, honey

I think that I am going to try
to learn how to play guitar, again.
It will be harder, this time,
because I gave my best guitar to my son,
and I don't want to be mean,
and ask for it back.
I have this dvd that I am going to watch;
sit down in front of the television and do
what the man says to do.

I have never liked to do what the man says to do,
on principal, some weird principal that I picked up
reading about the hippies when I was a kid.

The hippies made music; I want to make music, too.
The hippies made love, but that is another story.

Don't forget the pause button

You hit stop,
and, sometimes, start over.

You hit stop,
and, sometimes, you go, you go, you go.

And, sometimes, you hit stop,
and you just stop.

Melancholy Mary

If you are lonely, today,
I hope that your loneliness
will go away.

What he said, doesn't matter.

There will come another day,
though, today, it seems like
there will be no tomorrow.

(Vreeland part)

Smile, won't you,
at least once, today.


Start from somewhere
to chase the depression away.



If you are lonely, today
If you are lonely, today
I hope that your loneliness
will go away.

I used to feel empty
all the time.

I would go around down, down, down;
didn't have a friend.


If you are lonely, today
If you are lonely, today
I hope that your loneliness
will go away.

X 4 or 5

--Mikel K/Clark Vreeland





For sure

What's important to you,
is what's important to me.

The evolution of madness

Don't stay.
Don't go.
Don't spend the night.
Don't plan for the future.

Jealousy will end it.
Jealousy will send it to Hell.
Oh well, you walked in here alone,
and now you'll leave the same way.

Don't stay.
Don't go.
Don't say that you love me.
I don't want to hear it.
This is my heart, you can't get near it.

Don't stay.
Don't go.
I could have loved you,
but my insecurity got in the way.

Don't stay.
Don't go.
I've got to run away.


The thrill of winning
this is just the beginning
of us.
I'll thrust and thrust,
in each other we'll trust.

In the second grade

My daddy told me to fight but he didn't
teach me how to, so I came home from Catholic school,
covered in blood, to my momma, tear drops still in my eyes;
I guess momma thought that I should fight, too.

Reflection (once again)

I didn't think that I was an outlaw,
but after more drinks that I should have had,
I often wound up in jail.
The charges kept getting worse,
finally nobody around to pay my bail.

Here I am again, on the floor again.
Here I am, covered in blood and puke, again.
Here I am without a friend.

The bottle started out as my man,
we walked hand and hand into many great situations
but soon that man turned it's hand on me
and slapped me in the head.

A poet's work is never done

My daughter called; I needed to bring her a lunch to school
and, when I got home, I scooped up poop from the front yard
that my dog's had deposited there.

You get what you need

My son called me, late last night, which is weird.
Whenever I get a call from him that is out of the ordinary,
I always think that something is wrong;
I always think that he has gotten hurt on his skateboard,
and that I will have to take him to the hospital.
He had just called to say good night, which is sweet.
We talked for almost a half hour, which is weird for us;
we usually get all we have to say said in five minutes, or so.
I really love my son.
I don't know how the fuck I landed where I am,
being a father, instead of a guy who lands in the drunk tank,
after a blackout, but I am glad as hell, and very thankful
for the way that things worked out.
I have to mention that I have another son, who I love very much, also,
but he did not call late, last night!

You can't always get what you want

Monkey was waiting, and meowing, at my front door,
this morning, as she, mostly, at the start of each day.
I tried to hold her, the other day, but she hissed at me,
and ran off.
I don't need to hold Monkey to love her.
I understand her situation.
Monkey is mostly an outdoor cat,
a cat that has to live by her claws, and her wits.
She has survived by trusting nobody,
and, even though I feed her, I can't expect her to trust me.
My cats trust me, though Jaggar, my black cat, is a bit weird
about being held.
I have cat love, though; in various forms,
and that is good enough for me.

What's up with that?

I woke with the song lyrics, "If you believe in forever,
then love is just a one night stand."

I believe in forever.

And a note on the bullies

I know this guy who used to get picked on by the bullies.
I used to get picked on by the bullies, also.
This guy I know figured out a way to not get picked on
by the bullies, sooner in life than I did.
It saved him a lot of trouble.
He found other trouble to get into.
So did I.
Funny how much you can have in common with someone
who you haven't met yet.
My kids never got picked on by the bullies.
Bullies suck.

Giggles, guffaws and outright laughter

I love waking up early, these days,
which I often do, on only four or five hours of sleep.
These early morning hours are extra hours
that I have been given
and I used them to hang with the dogs, cats, and turtles
and to write.
There was a time when I stayed up all night,
drinking, hanging out,
and was just staggering in around this time.
It is more fun to be coherent during these hours,
and I like to have fun.

Shouldn't a took more than he gave

This guy came into The Coffee Cafe, last night
and asked if I could break a hundred.
I said yes, and he laid the bill on the counter.
I said I can't just bust it like that;
I can't open the register unless you buy something.
He said I'll have a medium iced coffee.
The guy had a been in the sun a lot look about him,
and a has done too much speed feel to him.
I handed him his coffee, and he laid three new one hundred dollar bills
on the counter and asked if I could cash them.
I got on my radio, and said, "Scott can you please come help me?"
When my manager arrived I said, "This gentleman would like
to cash these."
Scott told the man that he could only cash the one that was for the coffee,
and the man got mad at him.
Scott apologized, and the man walked off with his coffee,
and his two hundred dollar bills.

Got to love your "fans!"

OnlineHost: AirFrceGirl has entered the Poet Seeks Muse room.
AirFrceGirl: hey DOUCHE, no work today?
AirFrceGirl: oh wait, probably dont have a job, nevermind
OnlineHost: AirFrceGirl has left the room.

How can you mend a broken heart?

I feel guilty. The cats are waiting for their morning ration of wet cat food, the begin the day treat that I always give them, and I do not have any to give them. Both felines are looking at me expectantly, with a little bit of cynicism. "We always knew that he was a bum," they seem to be saying. "That bi-polar, recovered drunk just doesn't measure up; he is certain trouble." The cats have heard things from others, and have formed conclusions from what they have heard, and not from what they have seen. "He is angry. He is violent. He might explode at any minute, and set the house on fire."

The dogs look at the cats, then they look at me, and come close for their morning head rubs. They fear me not, criticize me not. I pull the dogs closer, as I look at the cats with love. When the store opens, later, I will buy them a can of their precious wet cat food. I will shower them with love. Love is the answer and you know that for sure.

PS The cats have a full bowl of dry cat food on top of the washer.

Sometimes i think i see someone else living behind your eyes...

I'm not sure how to take this,
whether I should smile, because it is an offhand compliment
of some sort
or frown, because it is saying something possibly negative.
More shall be revealed is what comes to mind,
so I'm going to keep movin' on with a smile on my face below those eyes.

Brother can you spare a hip?

I long for oysters, tonight, and limousine rides;
things I can't have. I'll have to be happy with
rice, and the fact that the Doctor gave me
pills that let me walk, again. He said that I was
headed for a hip replacement surgery, that the
arthritis was very bad in my hips, especially,
in my left hip, and that is why my groin muscle
was constantly hurting in my left thigh. The pain
in my right knee from the arthritis was nearly crippling me,
before I swallowed the anti-inflammatory pill that he
prescribed. I'm thinking that the future looks like
a wheel chair; growing old might be grim. The Doctor
said that it was all hereditary, that my psoriasis was linked
to my arthritis. He said lose weight, too. I'm diabetic,
also. I wonder how long I have left?

I lied about the limousine ride. I've never cared about
limousines. Oysters would be o.k., but really I'm fine
with the rice. Rice is nice. Free time to write is nice.
Family is love, and I am blessed. Peace be to all.

Dream until

You re lookin' good to me, baby,
ought to be my lady; have you given it a thought?
I would like you attracted to me because of the way I am,
not because of the way you want me to be.
I don't care about what your parents think
about the way I live my life
My story will soon be clear, though it might not be
in all the magazines at the grocery store.

She didn't learn how to comb her hair from magazines.
She found me here, and there.
"The future's uncertain," said the dead rock star, and..."

What's a little death?

So what's a little death,
you say, smoking your cigarette,
drinking your aspartame.

We're not poets

Bukowski wasn't a poet
they don't teach him in college
Bukowski wasn't a poet
he didn't have a degree in poetry
Bukowski wasn't a poet
he didn't capitalize or punctuate
Bukowski wasn't a poet
he didn't follow form
just wrote from the heart and soul
Bukowski wasn't a poet
and niether is Mikel K.

Nobody wants to get busted by a cop with hairy legs

I mean really; this is obvious is it not?
Do I need to elaborate? Do I need to tell you
where this thought came from? Do I need to
tell where any thoughts come from, or can you
see such for yourself?

I never got busted by a female cop,
when I was getting busted. Maybe I
would have fallen in love with her,
and quit drinking because of that
love for her, or

maybe not.

On the cover of The Stoned Roller

I'm not sure where I am going with this one,
this morning, but I think that it has something to do
with how your priorities in life change, as you get older.

That's all for now.

Cat Fancy

There is a cat perched on a column outside our porch.
He or she is looking in on us. My cat, Kobain, is checking
this cat out intensely. Kobain is an inside cat, these days,
and he is going to stay that way. That is all I have to say
on the matter.


Forgiveness is the answer,
you know that for sure.



you don’t know how to live,
unless you are following MY GOD.


Behind bars no more

Mobility n

Nativity n

Know your place;
fit in.

Don't try to start
at the end, begin
to see.


You, too, can be
joyous and free.


My aching body, the one that was in so much pain for over a month, responded immediately, yesterday, to the anti-inflammatory pills that the good Doctor gave me. It is weird to be able to, once again, function without pain. We should not have to get used to pain, and live with pain. I was limping, before I got on these pills.

With every step that I took, my knee was screaming at me, "I will get you," and one of my thighs was yelling, "I have gotten you," before the Doctor looked at the x rays that he had taken, and diagnosed that I was full of arthritis.


I met a cool kid, last night, Juliana, who told me that she was, "Four and three quarters years old," when I asked her her age. Her mommy corrected her: "Why don't you say that you are almost five, Juliana?" and Juliana dutifully, and purposefully said to me,immediately, and without missing a beat, "I am almost five."

What a great age. William, my oldest boy, was five when I met him. He is a father now, and I have been with William the whole trip, from where he was drinking sprite, and eating cereal, in front of cartoons on the t.v., to where he is now the father of a beautiful sixteen week old baby. William made me a father, twenty one years ago, and, recently, he made me a grandfather.

"Gramps," is what my gal friend says that her brother refers to me as, and you know what, there is not a bad grandfather, or grandpa name, that you can call me, because I am proud as hell to be Elliot's granddad, and happy as hell that I lived long enough to get the job.

Money is great. Fame is an illusion. Kids and family is where it's at, and if you have kids, and a good family situation, I know that you agree. I come from a not so wonderful family background, the one that I came up in. But the way that I look at it now, everybody in that family was doing the best that they could with what they had. Life, for me, is very happy now, and it is the sum of all your good and lousy experiences that add up to make you the man, or woman, that you are today.

You can't appreciate the highs, without having the lows.
Amen, baby. Amen.

The first morning thought

"Go placidly," is what comes to mind, this morning,
"Take it easy, baby," I think to myself, as I sip
on the first cup of morning coffee.

Slow ride, take it easy

Trying to establish true love is a kind of difficult thing to do, especially later in life, me thinks. Both parties have baggage from past relationships, both parties carry fear from past relationships into the new relationship, and both parties project things onto the new relationship, from past relationships, that may, or may not, be going on with the new partners.

The best thing that you can do with a new relationship, again, me thinks, is to "take it easy baby," as the late, great Jim Morrison once sang: "Take it as it comes. Don't move too fast if you want your love to last".

Take it as it comes.
By The Doors

Time to live
Time to lie
Time to laugh
Time to die

Take it easy baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move to fast if you want
your love to last
You've been movin' much to fast

Time to walk
Time to run
Time to aim your arrows
At the sun

Take it easy baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move to fast if you want
your love to last
You've been movin' much to fast

Go real slow
You'll like it more and more
Take it as it comes
Specialize in havin' fun

Take it easy baby
Take it as it comes
Don't move to fast if you want
you're love to last
You've been movin' much to fast
Movin' much to fast

Where my heart is

I am drinking some Brazilian coffee, this morning.
It is yummy.
It was given to me by my oldest son's wife, at her house,
the other night when I was visiting her, and my grandson.
I do not love this woman because she gave me coffee beans.
I love this woman because of who she is,
because of how she loves, and treats, my son, and my grandson.
I am thinking of moving to Brooklyn in a couple of years,
but it may be hard to move away because of my family.
My family doesn't live in Brooklyn, my family lives here,
where my heart is.

I'm out of oatmeal but I'm not out of love

I have two extra dogs staying with me for the weekend, Javi, and Shawtie. Javi came to us from the pound, about 15 years ago, on my son's birthday. He is a big, loving, male, yellow lab, who used to be very addicted to chasing tennis balls. His arthritis has slowed him down quite a bit, and tennis balls are not introduced, these days. It seems as if Javi is not as much of an eater anymore, either, as he left a portion of his breakfast in the bowl, this morning.

Javi stays with my kids' mom, and her boyfriend, these days, as I live in a small space, and, also, can not afford all the meds, and special dog food that Javi requires. Javi lived with me for the longest time, and I think that it is beautiful how our family is adaptable in taking car of Javi. Javi was named Javi by the kids' mom, soon after his arrival to our abode, when we all noticed that he caught a tennis ball better than then Braves' catcher Javi Lopez could catch a baseball.

I acuqired Shawtie, a female Sharpie mutt, from some upstairs neighbors who were going to ship her off to the pound, five or six years ago; my neighbors found Shawtie in a box inside a cab that they were taking home from a club, one night. Shawtie was the prettiest puppy that I have ever seen, and though I already had a dog at the time, Javi, I could not let this pretty puppy go to the vet.

My oldest boy, William, who was living with me at the time, and Shawtie, really bonded. A couple of years later, when Will was living on his own, his house got broken into, and, as a result, I gave Shawtie to him. Shawtie now, also, lives with Will's new wife, Tomi, and their new baby, my grandson, Elliot.

Shawtie was named after the phrase, "Yo Shawtie," because she was, and is, so small.

I need to take the dog outside, now, so I have to go.

Straight out of an early Beatles' song

I held someone's hand, last night,
and it was a nice hand to hold.
I think that holding someone's hand
is one of the neatest things that you can do.

One can never be too careful

Innocence was suddenly, and forcefully stolen from a young girl, at my home, last night, by a dog. Juliana, aged almost five, bent over to pet Shawtie, my son's dog who was spending the weekend with me, and Shawtie jumped up from where she was sleeping, and bit Juliana on the face. Shocked, I watched, unable to do anything, realizing that I should not have let Juliana get so close to the dog, who had been nothing but friendly to her, in their two meetings. I picked Juliana up, and handed the crying young girl to her mother, and then stood there helplessly watching as child cried, and mother comforted her.

It had started out as a beautiful night; plates of vegetables were consumed, donuts and coffee were had for desert, a visit to a bookstore, always a treat, was part of the evening prior to the incident.

I think, at least I seriously hope, that I learned a great lesson about small children, and dogs(a small one, also, in this case.) I, also, think, at least her mom has told me so, that Juliana is going to be o.k. so the lesson is, thankfully, not too grave.

I wanted to not feed Shawtie, this morning, and maybe yell at her, but I realized that that would not do any good. I can't wait to hang out with Juliana, again. I hope that she is not scared to come over to my house because of what happened.

Some lessons are learned the hard way. I am told that good always comes out of the bad, that it is always darkest before the dawn, and that that which doesn't kill us only makes us grow stronger. Neither Juliana, or I, died as a result of this dog bite, so I trust and pray the she and I, and her mother, will all grow stronger as a result of this incident.

Say a little prayer for us, today, if you will.

Boys and girls get broken hearts,
but not if you resolve to never start
Embark not on a relationship that might fail
Only enter into that which will fill your sails
And how will you know which is which, and who is who
If you have the answer please contact you know who.

Orientation at the Non-Kill Animal Shelter

Someone poured lighter fluid on the dog,
from the bottom of his neck,
to the middle of his back,
and lit the dog on fire.

They keep the dogs at the shelter inside at night,
when there are no staff members around to watch the dogs,
because of things like this, because of things that
the man in charge of the shelter said, "You wouldn't believe."

I'm glad that he didn't tell us more about other things
that we wouldn't believe.

Flat waves

When I am calm
I write less poetry.

A little ditty

Normally, this small studio apartment, that I live in, is overcrowded with two dogs, two cats, two turtles, and myself, but, this weekend, I have had two additional dogs staying with me, and there has been even less room to put your feet down in this space.

Oh well, the family members who now own each dog went to Florida to stay with the Matriarch of our clan, Mme, and I was enlisted to care take their dogs. I say "now own," because, for long periods of time, each dog who is visiting, this weekend, was once mine. Sometimes, it seems, in a family situation, dogs that go around, come around, and it takes a family to tend to dog's from their near infancy to the end of their time.
Not really drawing a blank/counting my blessings

I can think of nothing to write about this morning,
except for bits about my dog Morisson, and my friend Juliana.
Morisson is one of my two dogs, and, somehow,
he has replaced Bundy my other dog, at my feet, this morning,
underneath my desk, which is really sort of a miracle
because Bundy is very guarded about his under the desk near my feet spot.
I think that it shows some sort of growth in trust issues for Bundy,
to be able to share his favorite space with Morisson.
Bundy came to me a two time hand me down dog,
so, maybe, he had insecurity issues that he has overcome with time spent with me.
Juliana is my new, "four and three quarters year old," as she will tell you friend.
As I wrote to you about, recently, Juliana got bit in the face, the other night,
by my son's dog, Shawtie, who has been staying with me for the weekend.
Well, the bite mark is healing very well,
and Juliana appears to be over the incident,
even asking her mother, last night, if they could come over to my house.
One of my fears our of the incident was that Juliana would never want
to come visit me, again, and this is not the case,
so I am both relieved, and gladdened.
Dogs are a good thing to have in your life,
and so is a small child who likes to play tick tack toe, and hangman.
I am a blessed man, indeed.

Dogs dead to the world

Two fifty five a.m. is too early to write
Five a.m. is, usually, the earliest
that I can get started writing,
so I am going back to bed
for, at least, a couple of hours
The dogs stir when I wake this early,
but they do not stay risen.
The view too many have seen/do see

You leave me empty,
when I am seeking plenty
You drop bombs on my house,
then rape my wife and children.
You leave me with no food,
then question my mood not to participate
in your Revolution.
You work me endlessly in the fields,
to make sure that you will have fresh vegetables
for your meals.

You drop bombs on me.
You drop bombs on me,
but that is only the start.

You drop bombs on me.
You drop bombs on me,
but that is only the start.

War is over if.

They've got us brainwashed into thinking that it is war that keeps us free. I don't fuly agree. War often has other motivations than keeping people free, such as lusts for power, and money.

War is never fought by the ones who wage the wars. The ones who stand to profit from war, don't strap on weapons, and go out there, and try to kill their "enemy."

War mostly kills kids, usually the most financially disabled kids among us; war maims our youth, sends them back from battle physically, and emotionally ravaged, often to a V.A. that is either unable, or uninterested, in helping our returning soldiers out.

War makes fortunes for companies like Halliburton, at least the war that is currently being fought in Iraq, and for families like Bush, in past wars.

I'm not here to bitch, this morning; believe it or not, I am here to give a shout out to our young men, and our young women, of all wars. A soldier is kind of like a little kid within a household. Whether the rules and regulations are right, you have to admire both the little kid, and our soldiers for doing what they are supposed to do.

At The Coffee Cafe, where I work, we have this thing called, "Bean Friday," where you can get any medium coffee drink that we serve free by buying yourself, or the troops, a bag of beans. More people buy beans for the troops than they do for themselves.

Today is Memorial Day, a day to think about those who are, currently, giving, and have given, in the past, their lives for The United States of America. It is said that we can enjoy our cookouts, our hot dogs, our corn on the cob because of the men and women who fight for us, and who have fought for us.

War sucks. It is evil, but our soldiers do not suck, and they are not evil.I thank them, today, and every day for the sacrifices that they make for us, and I pray today, and every day that war will be over; the wars being fought today, and I pray that wars that have not yet started will not get started.

A note to parents of girlfriends who see my income as not big enough

If I am anything, I am more of a Socialist than I am a Capitalist. I don't think that the means of production should lie in the hands of a minority, I don't think that most of the cash should be held by a few, like it appears to be in the good ole U.S.A., today. What we have in our great nation is not a pure form of capitalism, where anyone can make a go at it as an entreupenuer; what we have here is a weird form of what I call, "Fascist Capitalism," where fewer, and fewer are in control of The Corporations, fewer and fewer are making the big bucks, baby.

Don't get me wrong, I love America. I love Little League Baseball, I love shopping, I love Christmas, The Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and apple pie. I love walking in our parks, gazing at our skyscrapers. I love just about everything in the United States of America, except for the way the financial game is played, and my solution to this dislike has been to bow out of the game as much as I can.

You won't see me out there beating the other fellow over the head for a buck. I am not going to compete with you for the highest dollar. I am going to sit on the sidelines and watch the wheels turn round and round, and I am going to be happy there.

Just thought that I should tell you that.

Is anything perfect?

I took a Yoga class for the first time in awhile, last night,
and this morning, as early as it is, my body, and, specifically,
my arthritis feels wonderful. The class was very challenging;
in many respects it felt as if I was starting over again.
Due to the arthritis many positions were not as obtainable
as they had once been, but the key is to go with the flow.
The position is what it is. There is no perfect position;
there is only the position that you are doing.

Some things take longer than others

You have to dwell on the good things
and not fester on the bad, or you will go crazy.
It took me a very long time to learn this,
decades, actually, but I feel that I have learned it well.

Is the bowl half empty?

I like to watch my animals drink water, especially the cats. The cats will tell me that the water bowl is empty by sitting next to it, patiently, when it needs to be filled. There is then a gentleness in the way that they then drink the water, once it is full; their tongues lightly lap the top of the liquid, making the cutest sounds. There is a peace to this process that I greatly enjoy.

My oldest dog was unable to walk, yesterday, for a great part of the day. It scared me. What if I have to have him put down, I kept thinking to myself. Javi is visiting until next Monday, and what if the kids' Mom, and her man, and Scout came back from their beach vacaton, and found out that I had to have Javi put to sleep because he couldn't walk. How awful would that be? I am a coward when it comes to matters of death. I hope that I am not the one who has to make the final decision about this loyal dog who has been with us for over fifteen years.


Is she to die for?
Is there such a thing?
Does she want a church wedding,
that sort of thing?
Will a ring on your finger
mean you only finger her?

Are houses and cars important to poets?

Do the birds chirping ever irritate you?
Have you ever needed coffee worse than you ever needed liquor,
and you've got seventeen blue chips now?
Have you ever taken a cab, reached your destination,
opened the door, and ran away without paying?
Is love a bad word to you, a metaphor for pain?
Can you ever change a wicked, wicked past into a pleasant present?
Do you think that early Springsteen was a genius,
but fail to understand anything after born to run.
Have you ever seen a newbie hooker hit the street?
Does your dog share the space under you desk,
caring not that sometimes you would like to stretch your legs?
Have you gotten used to your fellow man eating out of your trashcan,
told yourself, and others, that he likes it that way?
Has the word of Jesus been stolen, bastardized, formed
and reformed in the eyes, hearts and minds
of the men who wrote the book?
Is the smile of a child more important to you
han a ride in a limousine?
Would you rather have free time, or a Mercedes?
Do the turtles need feeding?
Is the love of a man or woman requisite for happiness in this existence?

When I break your heart

I'm going to a jail
where there is no bail.

I'm going to a place,
where the killers have no face,
but the ones that they killed
know what they look like,

I've sentenced you to hell,
and I must be punished.


You were often on my mind,
I thought good things about you,
and bad.
You might have been one of the best things
that I ever had, but

I'm leaving you,
I'm leaving you,

cuz I got better things to do.
Life is short, you couldn't make up your mind,
so I'll make it up for you,

I'm leaving you,
I'm leaving you.

You like my smile, but I'll never show it
to you again,

I'm leaving you.
I'm leaving you.


Starting the revolution with a hangover

Am I half empty,
am I half full,
when I don't have salvation,
when I have nothing on my plate?

I'm out of mayonnaise,
I'm living in a daze,
my blue eyes are red, white, and blue,
they say I need help,
I'm not sure what I should do.

I scream for Revolution.
I scream that the man is bringing me down,
and if I have the money, I scream
that I'll have another round.

Heaven is in your head

Another car,
another superstar,
another day in bed,
another day in jail.

Call the limo driver.
I need assistance getting to the soup line.
It's where I'll find friends of mine.
They lost at capitalism, too.

Eddie's got a drinking problem.
Sue like's to smoke crack.
I don't really like it, but I drink Listerine,
because I can boost it from the grocery store.

It doesn't really matter where you are,
because, like Jesus said, God is in all of us,
so like the proclamation said, "We're all equal."


Repeating yourself over and over,
and hoping for a change.
Driving you car intentionally
over glass, and or nails.
Asking the same girl out,
over and over, hoping and hoping,
that she won't say no, again.
Swimming in the mud.

Doing Time

Some people start forgiving you before you begin to sin,
others lock you up whether you are guilty or innocent,
put you on death row with no DNA evidence against you,

what have I got to say,
what have I got to say,
it's mostly about the pay, baby.

Stay where you are at if that is where your heart is at

I'm never going to get out of here; I'm stuck where I am,
a happy man. What if you never see other than that which
is right in front of you; does that prepare you less to
meet your maker? Say you were a baker, made doughnuts that
made small town faces smile; is your value less than some
big city doctor who gets to see the world?

Lately it occurred to me,
lately it occurred to me,
that it probably doesn't matter
unless you attach value to it.

In the depths of a dark dark booth

Every thought has already been thought before, so why am I thinking?
Every drink that has already been drank
has resulted in good or bad; the Lord has been watching,
counting which sins will send you to Heaven or Hell.
God's got lots of time on his hands.
What would I think about God and Country, if there had been
not Church and State to teach me?


You've got bad luck; I've got good luck.
Maybe we could learn from each other,
maybe I should get closer to you than a ten foot pole.

I had bad, bad luck for decades;
never learned from my mistakes.
Ain't it great when you recover
from what has been ailing you.
Ain't it great when you figure out
what to do, other than what you
been doing that didn't work.

You've got bad luck.
I've got good luck.
Maybe we should get together,
so you can discover what works.

Soon to sizzle in the summer heat

I can't blame you for me, and you can't hold me
responsible for you.
Some people say that "they" will never let "us" get ahead.
She looks really good,
half the male population would like to get her in bed.

I feel better under this air conditioner, writing,
than I ever did pissing in front of the other prisoners
in the drunk tank.

You're supposed to be a good loser

I ll never lose, because I set the rules
that I choose to play by.

"There are more losers than winners in the world,"
she replied, and I wondered if she meant me.

Press 2 to hear a female voice

Women have different voices than men,
you can never mistake a woman for a man
when she is talking on the telephone,
or when she has a knife in her hand
and is stabbing you to death.

Besides Each Other

I was seeing how long you could go without me;
I was seeing how long I could go without you,
and what I learned was that we didn't need each other;
we had better things to do, and things that we had to do.

Before arthritis

My leg seems trivial
except when it's in pain.

Household tips

Put ice on your injuries.
Kill mice in your bread basket.

Doubt it

I'll satisfy your every need,
even if I bleed to death.

I'll eat hamburger,
and buy you steak,
though we're both vegetarians.

I'll change everything
about who I am;
I'll be who you need.

I'll run long distance,
when I've always been a sprinter.

I'll ignore broken bones,
ignore every little splinter.

Don't depend on me for the answer

I've never been a friend to anyone,
including myself. You can ask my friends.

Fucking Bullshit

Some girls like to suck dick,
some don't.
Some men point to lack of desire,
in such things as something bad
about the girl, says that she needs
to learn how.

How you feel after 9 to 5

Fuck a star,
and while you're at it
fuck a cop
fuck your momma
fuck your pappa
fuck a priest
fuck a beatle
fuck a stone,

fuck revolution
fuck evolution
fuck peace and love
fuck war
fuck everything
fuck everything
fuck everything.

(Designed for the mood
that you are in when you
get home from work.)

Silence and then

They will be no lullabies in her eyes,
no more men between her thighs,
she loves only horses and scrabble
when it's played on the internet,
and she'd rather win than lose,
but besides the game in cyberspace
she feels like she is always losing
You want to hold her hand;
objectively you don't understand
the behavior, or her inclinations.

How to live with the hand that you've been dealt

In a perfect world, I'd find a perfect girl
and live in La La Land,
but both you and me understand that life is not
always grand, and things don't mostly turn out
exactly as you've planned.

So, take the cards that you've been dealt,
and face the others at the table, AND BLUFF!!

The evil me has become subdued

I pull the punches in the this poetry, a lot,
which makes me tolerable.
There is another me, the evil me,
who rarely surfaces, these days.

Um, it's not the library

Somebody complained, yesterday, at The Coffee Cafe,
that I, the barista, was too loud.

All I have to say is that you have some fucking nerve,

I'm just kidding about becoming a cake

Perhaps one day I'll look like Henry Rollins,
but, today, I still look like a guy who likes
to go to the buffet.
These pills that stave off the depression
have helped to make me fat;
should I be skinny and unhappy?

Maybe I should stick my head in the oven, like Sylvia,
bake myself into a cake.

What would Richard Simmons say about the G.M. bankruptcy?

It's a Weight Watcher's Product,
so I can eat ten of them, and be happy;
maybe not skinny, but happy.

You can be too skinny,
and I can be too fat.

And my Buddha, too

I'm a small fish in a small town,
and, career-wise not much is going down.
I hate that word: career,
which rhymes with that word that's bad for me: beer,
I don't understand why gay people can't get married;
I think that though your Jesus wouldn't be down with it,
mine would; and my Buddha, too.

Potato chips are evil,
but I love to stick my hands in the bag.
I love to be close to you,
but I shouldn't get close to you.

I prefer eating to exercise; sitting at the laptop, and moving my fingers has been my primary form of working out for almost two decades, and I wonder why my body is responding to me negatively; go figure. It is not over until it is over, and I plan to incorporate even more exercise into my existence than I have in the past year and a half, when I started taking Yoga. In other words, I will gladly pay somebody tomorrow for a veggie burger, today.

I wish I was near a beach, today, so that I could go out and walk in the sand, listen to the waves lap against my feet, as I watch the sun rise. But I can't. Oh well; the life that I have here in the city is pretty fucking groovy.

Arthritis has stolen my walks from me, but Yoga will give me my walks back. I started taking the anti-inflammatory pill diclofenac sod and my stomach started giving me trouble. I googled the drug, this morning, and learned that I should be drinking a large glass of water with the pill, and eating food with it. I also learned that it can give me ulcers. You really have to love how a med good for one medical condition can create another medical condition. I try not to look at things as a pain in the ass, these days, but rather as challenges; the challenges of getting old, in this case, I guess, Also the challenges created by carrying too much weight around on your body for too long.

My old dog, Javi, also has been carrying too much weight around for too long. The poor thing has arthritis, too. One day, last week, for part of the day, Javi could not get up on his hind legs. I had to lift him with my jiu jitsu belt, and carry him outside so that he could use the bathroom. Watching a dog die, who has been with you for fifteen years is not a fun thing. What about growing old, dog or man, or woman, is a fun thing?

I watched a guy die of Alzheimer’s a couple of years ago, and the process was horrifying. Somebody please supply me with the gun, so that I can terminate my existence, before they stick me in a nursing home to go through all that. What an inhuman and demoralizing way to end life, drooling on yourself, walking around like a zombie, at the mercy of other folks to feed you, and bath you after you poop on yourself.

I guess that I am being a bit morbid today. The end is probably a number of years away for me, and I probably have at least one or two good days left! I'm off the pity pot, now, and on to happy things. Enjoy your day. Each one is certainly a blessing.

There are tests all the time
to see if you will explode.

Someone complained to management that I was too loud in The Cafe, today. Now, that just kills me. I know that I am loud, but, honey please, is this a library that I am making coffee drinks, and talking to customers in?!!

I can't worry about that one;
she's weird, she will never work.
Time to move on.

I'm just passing through
but while I'm here...

Old dog Javi woke me up with his feeble bark, way too early, this morning, indicating that he would like to be let outside, and, then, fed way before I was even ready to wake up.

Scream for me

I'm covered in ice
I don't look as nice
as I once did
I'm not a kid
but my knee feels better,

Looking in the mirror

All the naked girls
who think that they
are getting over,
are being played by
men who think that
nobody could ever
get over on them.

Till the end

I'm not going to tell you
that I'm giving head to the neighbor,
or why I work an extra hour every day.

The cold shoulder

Leave the light on, I'll be home late;
you won't smell the booze on my breath
as I masturbate to the images on my computer,
get into bed, and turn my shoulder to you.

Persistence will pay

I want to sleep on a bed of nail, at night,
and be nailed to a cross by day.

Interior designs

Girls don't like men who treat them nice.
Boys don't like women who treat them fair.

Love is a circus, punctuated by pushes, and shoves.


She shows up for prom in a blood stain dress;
you're the only one who sees the stains as she stand on stage
accepting her prom queen crown. Later she goes down on you,
and you're sure that she loves you. You kill her father,
go to jail, and never see her again.

Nobody in here

You scream and shout into a paper cup,
"God, if there is a heaven, why am I living this hell."
No one answers, oh well; you go back and finish your case of beer.


She has been everybody else's girl,
and, one day, you'd like to make her your own,
but you know that the day isn't coming anytime soon,
so you sun yourself by the pool, and sip on filtered water,
content with the things that life has given you.


Falling down on my knees,
I beg you hit me, once again, please.
I'm such a good martyr;
you trained me to be happy
eating popcorn in the bleachers
as the world was falling down.

Take it easy baby

It's easy to love, when you are in love.
It's easy to eat, when you have food.
It's easy to abstain, when you have condemns.
It's easy to believe, when things are going good.
It's easy to die, when you're time has come.
It's easy to pet the cat, when she is at your feet.
It's easy to kick the dog, when he has peed on your carpet.
It's easy to be a vegetarian, when all the animals are dead.
It's easy to breath the air, when they have quit polluting it.
It's easy to see angels, when you have taken LSD.
It's easy to talk to God, when you are in a jail cell.
It's easy to pay an attorney, when you don't want to got to jail.
It's easy to lick a stamp, when you have one.
It's easy to mail a letter, when you think
that she might return your love.
It's easy to drive a car, when they haven't repossessed it.
It's easy to kiss, when her lips are there.
It's easy to be drunk, when you have drank a fifth of Jack Daniels.
It's easy to be a drag queen, when you have a dress.
It's easy to put on lipstick, when you have lips.
It's easy to lick an ice cream cone, when you have a tongue.
It's easy to have fun, as long as this poem doesn't get too long.

How to live with the hand that you've been dealt

In a perfect world, I'd find a perfect girl
and live in La La Land,
but both you and me understand that life is not
always grand, and things don't mostly turn out
exactly as you've planned.

So, take the cards that you've been dealt,
and face the others at the table, AND BLUFF!!

The evil me has become subdued

I pull the punches in the this poetry, a lot,
which makes me tolerable.
There is another me, the evil me,
who rarely surfaces, these days.

Um, it's not the library

Somebody complained, yesterday, at The Coffee Cafe,
that I, the barista, was too loud.

All I have to say is that you have some fucking nerve,

I'm just kidding about becoming a cake

Perhaps one day I'll look like Henry Rollins,
but, today, I still look like a guy who likes
to go to the buffet.
These pills that stave off the depression
have helped to make me fat;
should I be skinny and unhappy?

Maybe I should stick my head in the oven, like Sylvia,
bake myself into a cake.

What would Richard Simmons say about the G.M. bankruptcy?

It's a Weight Watcher's Product,
so I can eat ten of them, and be happy;
maybe not skinny, but happy.

You can be too skinny,
and I can be too fat.

And my Buddha, too

I'm a small fish in a small town,
and, career-wise not much is going down.
I hate that word: career,
which rhymes with that word that's bad for me: beer,
I don't understand why gay people can't get married;
I think that though your Jesus wouldn't be down with it,
mine would; and my Buddha, too.

Potato chips are evil,
but I love to stick my hands in the bag.
I love to be close to you,
but I shouldn't get close to you.

Eat or exercise?

I prefer eating to exercise; sitting at the laptop, and moving my fingers has been my primary form of working out for almost two decades, and I wonder why my body is responding to me negatively; go figure. It is not over until it is over, and I plan to incorporate even more exercise into my existence than I have in the past year and a half, when I started taking Yoga. In other words, I will gladly pay somebody tomorrow for a veggie burger, today.

I wish I was near a beach, today, so that I could go out and walk in the sand, listen to the waves lap against my feet, as I watch the sun rise. But I can't. Oh well; the life that I have here in the city is pretty fucking groovy.

I prefer eating to exercise; sitting at the laptop, and moving my fingers has been my primary form of working out for almost two decades, and I wonder why my body is responding to me negatively; go figure. It is not over until it is over, and I plan to incorporate even more exercise into my existence than I have in the past year and a half, when I started taking Yoga. In other words, I will gladly pay somebody tomorrow for a veggie burger, today.

I wish I was near a beach, today, so that I could go out and walk in the sand, listen to the waves lap against my feet, as I watch the sun rise. But I can't. Oh well; the life that I have here in the city is pretty fucking groovy.

Blue Light Special

Urination. Defecation. You suck. I love you. Words are powerful, and I should choose them wisely. Just a thought, not store bought. I give it to you for free.


Sometimes, the girls that take their time getting around to you turn out to be the best girls. The kids' mother was like that. She blew me off. She blew me off. She blew me off, and then she was pregnant. Well, maybe that is not the best example, but having that kid saved my life. Having that kid made me step up, and shut up, helped sober me up, made me care about something more than I did myself for the first time in my life.

We've got to stop meeting like this; I am telling you too much.

Cold Coffee

I spent so much time writing this morning that my coffee got cold. That is not acceptable. I don't really like microwaved coffee, but that may be the solution, this morning. I'm up early. Bundy is at my feet, where he usually is. I think that it is funny how such a macho dog(Rotty-Lab) can have such wimpy tendencies. Is a need for love a wimpy tendency? (Perhaps I am a wimp, then. Perhaps we are all wimps, except for serial killers, and homicidal rapists.)

Remember that song by the band where the singer wails, "Good loving gone bad?" Does good loving always have to go bad, or as Tom Petty asks in song, is it true that "Good loving is hard to find?"

We did it, therefore we are

She has been easy to get along with, recently,
or, perhaps, I am adopting to her idiosyncrasies.
Either way, this idea that we are pursuing a friendship works for me;
the lover thing can get so complicated, especially when jumped into
soon: you make love, and you think that means that you must be in love.

Breaking the cycle

Just because your mother doesn't like cats,
doesn't mean that you don't have to like cats.
Just because men in your past forced you to give them head,
doesn't mean that I will force you to do anything.
Just because some Christians are a pain in the ass with their Christ,
doesn't mean that all Christians are evil.
Not all cops are bad.
Not all Santas will pinch little kids in the ass.

PM Query

Do we all love each other or do we all work each other
to get what we want, and what is the difference, does
it really matter at all?

I'm tired, now, and am asking stupid questions.


Elliot was not in the mood for me, today.
The minute that his father put my grandson
in my hands, the kid started to not just cry,
but to yell and scream.

With babies, I guess, it is hit or miss.


They say that I'm supposed to laugh when it stings
I'm still thin-skinned, don't want to pull my punch
when you slap me on the face, and say it's in fun;
my first reaction is to want to run, but I stay.

Happiness within the machine

Instead of firing me, or writing me up, on the way to firing me,
my boss had me train with another person at work, yesterday,
trying to get me adept at asking the customer if they have
our golden card. I forget to ask. I don't know why. Maybe early
Alzheimer's is setting in. Maybe I assume that you don't want
to be be asked for the card. Maybe I'm just a dumb ass, but I am
glad that my boss saw enough in me to work with me and not just
kick me to the curb.

I am now a very loyal corporate drone.

Do you ever have trouble figuring out what matters?

Is buying tequila and a bag of pot more important to you
than buying diapers for your kid?

I just thought that you should know this

I got this anti-inflammatory medicine for my arthritis
that made it feel as if someone was sticking a knife in my gut.
I read on the internet that this little pill could cause ulcers,
and I decided fuck this, I am not going to alleviate one pain
by acquiring another, I am not going to get fucking ulcers,
while trying to eliminate pain in my knee, and hip, so I have stopped
taking the pill.

A quick thought on staying cool in the summer

The heat will soon be upon us,
and I do not do well in the heat.
I have a medical condition
that precludes happiness under
the hot sun, during the very humid
Atlanta summers.

Fortunately, I have air conditioning,
in the abode, and I will stick near it,
though I am contributing to putting
a hole in the ozone.

We are all fucked.

Blaming someone else for my bagel

I respond to the idea of eating less,
by eating more; at least it seems that way,
because I am programmed for failure.

I was programmed by my father to be a loser,
because he was a bitter old, angry, depressed man,
and misery loves company.

I just ate the most wonderful bagel,
and I really want another one.
My father might say, "Go ahead and have another one,
you'll never amount to anything," but he is dead,
so I don't have to listen to his voice in my head.

A thought on being so unique

I'm a typical man; typical.
You're a typical woman; typical.
We're not breaking any new ground.
We're not mining any new veins.


Do you realize that I take showers,
in the morning, before you come to visit
for lunch, and that I am not
a morning shower person.

I'm still yawning

I can't get started, yet, today
a sleepy head is getting in my way.

This is the end

The Princess woke up one morning
and found that The King was gone.

The lady can really belt it out

Someone said that some recent poems of mine were gloomy,
and I said those must be the ones that I wrote
while listening to Tori Amos sing.


It's a brand new day
I might get paid a million dollars
meet a girl she could call me her own
sing a song write a poem dance naked
in front of the refrigerator
while the dogs try to figure out what to do
they are so embarrassed by my behavior
can't take me anywhere
not even to the end of the street to poop.

Sad sad sad

The news is full of death.
Death must sell more adds than life.

Intercourse is the culprit

The fucking old dog, Javi, has been barking at me all day. I think he wants treats, but he is not going to get any more. I just took him out to piss, again, and he didn't have to piss, again. His bark is a near death bark; he doesn't have the strength in him, anymore, to howl like a full strength dog. It is sad; it tears me up to see this dog, who I have been around for 15 years, decline so strongly, seemingly so fast. Javi is deaf now. I have to use hand, and arm signals, and eye contact, to get him in, and out, of the house. I hate the process of growing old, in my dog, and in myself. Both dog, and I, limp around like a couple of cripples, these days. It seems so unfair; what did we do to deserve this? The answer is to be born with the genes that we were born with. Some people inherit hotel chains, I got stuck with a booze problem, dandruff, a mood disorder, psoriasis, and, now, crippling arthritis. Do you ever wish that your parents hadn't fucked?


She took my record collection
left me with an erection
no other girl could satisfy.


Sometimes my eyes get lost in your face,
but then you opens your mouth
and put me back in place.

I don't know what they think about commercials

My turtles don't care that a plane dropped into the sea
traveling between Brazil and France.
My turtles don't care that G.M. is going bankrupt.
My turtles don't care that some guy got shot
outside of an Army Recruiting Center.
My turtles don't care that the mother of the octuplets
is getting a t.v. show.
My turtles don't care that Susan Boyle had a breakdown.
And I am turning the t.v. off now.

Couldn't you just put a bullet in your own head, pal?

Some guy got killed by a police officer in a southern suburb, and they are saying that it is a, "suicide by cop." The guy was sitting in a car in the woods, and pulled a gun on two officers when they approached the vehicle. He was shot to death; what a weird suicide plan

Love your enemy

There is beauty in all kinds of people, actually
there is beauty in all people God would tell you.


She doesn't being yelled at,
and I tell her that she ain't seen nothing yet.
I don't like being insinuated against,
yet she insinuates, and we still meet for lunch,
and mostly smile.

Flutter flutter

I wish that butterflies would fly more frequently
in the vicinity of my eyes.

Intercourse is the culprit


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